“What’s the worst that could happen?”


As humans we tend to over think every choice or decision we ever make, coming down to the type of drink you may want to get at Starbucks. One of my all time favorite quotes is “The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don’t know what the hell they’re doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self: Tall. Decaf. Cappuccino.” I mean its so true, once you become a Starbucks addict as myself, you know every time you go there, that is the one place and the one moment you can make a decision and just feel so right about it. Then you have these moments in your life when your brain is going crazy and you start to question who you are and what you want out of life because you don’t know what choice to make and if it’s the right one and you feel so lost. One way I’ve been taught to deal with these moments in the simplest way possible is say to yourself, before you make the decision, “what’s the worst that could happen?”. Keep into consideration that these decisions your making when saying this to yourself aren’t stupid ones . For example: “Do I jump off a quarry at 10:00 at night with my friends, or do I stay home and watch a movie.” Actual quote may I add.  Do not and I repeat DO NOT say “Oh what’s the worst that could happen?” for something like this.

First we’re gonna talk about little moments in your life that won’t cause you your life. Maybe you want to text someone you have a crush on, and you over think all the possibilities that could happen. When in reality this guy or girl is either going to text you back or he or their not going to text you back. Its that simple. I know all of you people reading this have had this said moment happen to you at least once in your life, so don’t act like you haven’t had this thought.  Another one would be, “Do I ask this girl out on a date?” or “Do I ask this guy if he wants to hang out sometime?” These are the moments to say to yourself “What’s the worst that could happen?” He or she say’s no. If you can’t take a little rejection in your life you’ve got a long life ahead of you my friend. In order to be able to take rejection with out it getting to you is to build thick skin and have strong confidence and the right mind set. For this example just remember, “There’s plenty more fish out in the sea.” I mean if you don’t text this person or ask this person to hang out you’ll never know what would of happened if you did.

Then there are the big questions that you have to face in your life. For example, I had to make the choice to either take a chance and take out a large loan and spend a year in New York and go to acting school. Or save money and just try to get into the University Of Milwaukee and maybe pick a major I was mildly interested in. Another perfect yet extremely difficult moment to say “What’s the worst that could happen?” I don’t make it in the acting industry and I took out a loan to have one of the best years of my life. OH GOD, because that is so horrible (sarcasm for all you people who don’t know me). In these moments you really need to sit down and think to yourself  “What If?”. I promise you when this question gets inside of your head you will have a totally different out look on things then just saying “I could never do that”. Regret is worse then the possibility of falling flat on your face especially when it comes to your future. Life doesn’t wait for you, you grow old and things you wanted to do but never did disappear. You need to wake up and realize that people!

If there are people in your life that are holding you back or giving you negative feedback on something you want to do, then you just have to be able to trust yourself and be able to tell yourself that “You can do anything you put your mind too.”. I’ve got the best support system I could ever ask for, my parents and friends have always believed in me with anything I’ve ever wanted to do and I’m so thankful for that. I can’t imagine having someone say “Oh you can’t do that” or “You’ll never make it” that maybe is a close friend to you or even related to you. I know that some people do go through this because that’s just life and their are shitty people out there. I’m here to tell you that you can do it! If you want something bad enough you can get it. It just takes a little cash and elbow grease. Hey, I’m not going to lie, nothing is free in this world. Yeah maybe a hug, but I’m not a hugger.  I’m also going to add the saying “It’s not what you know, It’s who you know.” As shitty as that sounds it’s so true. That’s the time to then associate yourself with the right people that could possibly help you further in your future success story.

When it come’s down to it, it’s all about trusting your gut instinct in making whatever decision you have to make at the time and the want to take a jump out into the void. May it be just wanting to ask someone on a date or chasing your dreams. Don’t think about what could go wrong when your first start to think about it, but think about what could go right and maybe change your life for the better. Just remember, what’s the worst that could happen?

I’m really hoping no one does blow or some crazy shit like that after reading this and say “What’s the worst that could happen?” .

Signed, a girl on a mission to conqueror one of her dreams…I’m still deciding on which one…

2 thoughts on ““What’s the worst that could happen?”

  1. Pingback: Person who chases two rabbits catches neither. | philosiblog

  2. Pingback: What’s the worst that could happen? | A chain of thoughts…

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